Edens zero名言
1. "人生は一度きりだ。後悔なんてしたくない。" (Life is only once. I don't want to have any regrets.)
2. "強くなるためには、強い敵と戦わなければならない。" (To become strong, you have to fight strong enemies.)
3. "仲間と共に進むことが、最強の力を生む。" (Moving forward with your comrades creates the strongest power.)
4. "過去に縛られるな。未来を見据えろ。" (Don't be bound by the past. Look towards the future.)
5. "失敗は成功のもと。挑戦しなければ何も得られない。" (Failure is the foundation of success. You won't gain anything if you don't challenge yourself.)