1. "一寸の光陰莫負けよ" - "Do not waste even a single moment of time."
2. "勝つ者が正義を持つ" - "The victor holds justice."
3. "強くなりたいなら、強くなれ" - "If you want to become strong, then become strong."
4. "死ぬ気で生きろ" - "Live as if you are ready to die."
5. "敗北は成功の母" - "Defeat is the mother of success."
6. "一寸の虫にも五分の魂" - "Even a tiny insect has a fighting spirit."
7. "人間万事塞翁が馬" - "Man proposes, God disposes."
8. "逆境こそが磨き上げる" - "Adversity is what hones us."
9. "努力は裏切らない" - "Effort will never betray you."
10. "天は人の上に人を造らず、人の下に人を造らず" - "Heaven does not create people above people, nor does it create people below people."