1. 織田信長(おだ のぶなが)- "天下布武"(てんかふぶ)- "The realm under heaven is in great chaos, and the situation is excellent."
2. 豊臣秀吉(とよとみ ひでよし)- "天下人"(てんかじん)- "The ruler of the land."
3. 徳川家康(とくがわ いえやす)- "世は変わる"(よはかわる)- "The world is changing."
4. 西郷隆盛(さとう たかもり)- "富国強兵"(ふこくきょうへい)- "Enrich the country, strengthen the military."
5. 坂本龍馬(さかもと りょうま)- "天は人の上に人を造らず"(てんはひとのうえにひとをつくらず)- "Heaven does not create one man above or below another."
6. 北条氏政(ほうじょう うじまさ)- "一度死んで見る"(いちどしんでみる)- "Try dying once."
7. 福沢諭吉(ふくざわ ゆきち)- "学問のすゝめ"(がくもんのすすめ)- "An encouragement of learning."
8. 伊藤博文(いとう ひろふみ)- "大東亜共栄圏"(だいとうあきょうえいけん)- "Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere."
9. 源義経(みなもと の よしつね)- "風林火山"(ふうりんかざん)- "As swift as the wind, as silent as the forest, as fierce as fire, as unshakable as the mountain."
10. 源頼朝(みなもと の よりとも)- "一度もの事"(いちどものこと)- "Once in a lifetime opportunity."