1. "真実はいつもひとつ!" (The truth is always one!)
2. "推理は全ての始まりだ!" (Reasoning is the beginning of everything!)
3. "事件の謎を解き明かすのが私の使命だ!" (It is my mission to unravel the mysteries of the case!)
4. "犯人は必ずしも悪人ではない。その背後には必ず理由がある。" (The culprit is not necessarily a bad person. There is always a reason behind their actions.)
5. "推理は常に証拠に基づいている。感情ではなく、論理で考えよう。" (Reasoning is always based on evidence. Let's think logically, not emotionally.)
6. "真実を見抜くためには、細部にも目を光らせなければならない。" (To see the truth, one must pay attention to the details.)
7. "疑いは推理の原動力だ。" (Doubt is the driving force of reasoning.)
8. "事件の真相は、常に意外な展開を見せるものだ。" (The truth of the case always reveals unexpected developments.)
9. "推理は常に冷静な頭脳と鋭い観察力が必要だ。" (Reasoning always requires a calm mind and sharp observation skills.)
10. "名探偵とは、ただ事件を解決するだけでなく、人々の心を解き明かす存在だ。" (A great detective is not only someone who solves cases, but also someone who unravels the hearts of people.)