1. "成功の裏には努力がある。" (Behind success lies effort.)
2. "人生は一度きり。だから、後悔しないように生きることが大切だ。" (You only live once. That's why it's important to live without regrets.)
3. "困難な状況に直面したときこそ、自分の力を信じて前に進むことが大切だ。" (When faced with difficult situations, it's important to believe in your own strength and move forward.)
4. "人間関係は大切だ。他人を尊重し、助け合うことが、社会をより良いものにする。" (Human relationships are important. Respecting others and helping each other makes society a better place.)
5. "失敗は成功のもと。失敗から学び、次に活かすことが大切だ。" (Failure is the foundation of success. It's important to learn from failure and apply it to the next endeavor.)