1. "柔の道は剛を制す" - The way of gentleness overcomes the way of hardness.
2. "勝つために戦うのではなく、戦うために勝つ" - Don't fight to win, win by fighting.
3. "相手を尊重し、自分を律する" - Respect your opponent and discipline yourself.
4. "柔道は礼に始まり礼に終わる" - Judo begins and ends with courtesy.
5. "技を極めることは、自己を極めること" - Mastering the technique is mastering oneself.
6. "強さは、心の中にある" - Strength lies within the heart.
7. "柔道は、ただ技を磨くだけでなく、心も鍛える修行である" - Judo is not just about perfecting techniques, but also about training the heart.