1. "Bir elin nesi var, iki elin sesi var." - "One hand is not enough, but two hands make a sound."
2. "Damlaya damlaya göl olur." - "Drop by drop, a lake is formed."
3. "Yavaş yavaş dağlar sıra sıra, gelir zaman, geçer yara." - "Slowly, mountains line up one by one; time heals all wounds."
4. "Akıllı ol, ama akıllı olduğunu belli etme." - "Be smart, but don't show off your intelligence."
5. "Güneş balçıkla sıvanmaz." - "You can't cover the sun with mud."
6. "Her şeyin başı sağlık." - "Health is the most important thing."
7. "Bir gün değil, her gün." - "Not just one day, but every day."
8. "Yılanın başı küçükken ezilmeli." - "The snake should be crushed while it's still small."
9. "Köprüyü geçene kadar ayıya dayı derler." - "They call the bear uncle until you cross the bridge."
10. "Söz gümüşse, sükut altındır." - "If speech is silver, then silence is golden."