Sure, here are some famous quotes from the Japanese manga "Kochira Katsushika-ku Kameari Kōen-mae Hashutsujo" (こちら葛飾区亀有公園前派出所), known as "Kochikame" in English:
1. "Hard work is the key to success." (努力こそ成功の秘訣だ。)
2. "Don't give up until the very end." (最後まで諦めるな。)
3. "A true friend is someone who stands by you in times of trouble." (本当の友達とは、困った時にそばにいてくれる人のことだ。)
4. "Laughing is the best medicine." (笑うことが一番の薬だ。)
5. "Every day is a new opportunity." (毎日が新たなチャンスだ。)
I hope you find these quotes inspiring!